uJAM UFX FILTER v1.0.0 U2B Mac (Premium)


uJAM UFX FILTER v1.0.0   Free Download Latest . It is of   uJAM UFX FILTER v1.0.0   free download.

uJAM UFX FILTER v1.0.0  Overview

FILTER Three Filter Modules, Modulator and Multi Effect

UFX FILTER combines three great-sounding synth filters with a modulator section and 2 multi effects – perfect for any track that needs to be unbored: drums, guitars, vocals, synths – anything sounds more interesting with UFX FILTER. Probably the most powerful and creative filter plug-in ever! More Filter Types Than Most Synthesizers. No less than three Filter Modules and 20 Filter Modes – many available in 12, 24 and 36 dB – make UFX Filter a sound shaping swiss knife for any kind of track – drums, instruments, vocals or sound FX.

What’s Inside
3 Filter modules under the hood, organized into 20 Modes – from classic Lowpass to Comb, Multi-Peak to Talking Formant filters
Modulator section animates filter cutoff with classic LFO modulations and rhythmic patterns
Built-in multi-effect section with 40 Shaper and 50 Finisher effects
Endless inspiration: 150+ Presets plus intelligent variation and randomization

Lowpass (LP)
Highpass (HP)
Bandpass (BP)
Vintage LP: Analog LP
Broken LP: Dusty Circuit LP
Low / High: LP -> HP
Dual Peak: Two detuned LP
Tri Peak: Three detuned LP
Dual Wide: Detuned LP panned hard left and right
Dual Contra: Two LP, cutoff moving opposite
Dual Band: Two detuned BP
Comb +: Comb Filter
Comb -: Comb Filter, negative feedback
Comb + Low: Comb + with LP
Comb – Low: Comb – with LP
Comb Contra: Two Comb+ moving opposite
Talking 1: Vocalizing Formant Filter 1
Talking 2: Vocalizing Formant Filter 2
Talking 3: Vocalizing Formant Filter 3

Env Mod
The built-in envelope follower controls the filter (cutoff) based on the input level, making the filter follow your signals’ amplitude, creating automatic filter-sweeps.

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